Top Project Manager

To say that Project Management is an important job is a massive understatement.

You are the people who will either; save the world economy or fail to do so.  It is my assertion that the hope of the entire global economy rests with Project Managers not Politicians.

Sound too strong?   Think about it …

A company cannot innovate or grow without change, and change is never easy or “Business as Usual.”   Meaningful change typically arrives in the form of a project, and usually a big one carrying a massive multi-million dollar budget with the company’s entire future bet on its success.

You can be certain that the Shareholders want a Top Project Manager running this project.

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI)

The world is spending 1/5 of its GDP (US $12 trillion) on projects 
this year - and organizations that range from global businesses 
to governments and NGOs have identified project management 
and skilled project managers as the key to their success. 


The demand for project professionals is staggering, with an average 
of 12 million projected new jobs needing to be filled each year for 
the next decade. This demand far exceeds supply - and has 
precipitated a global education crisis that, if uncorrected will put 
54.5 trillion of the global GDP at risk by 2016.


If there was ever a time in your life for you to understand your value as a project manager…


Have you ever wondered if the guy sitting next to you makes more MONEY than you for doing the same job?

You wouldn’t wonder if you knew how to negotiate your true value.


What separates top project managers from the rest of the pack is:

  • How we manage the human aspects of projects
  • How we manage risk
  • How we manage our careers.

Average to Awesome

Top Project Managers always make a lot more money than average PMs.

The Best Project Managers are:

  • Respected
  • In Demand
  • Paid Top Dollar

You want to:

  • Find the best projects
  • Interview like a Rock Star
  • Negotiate your real Value
  • Get paid more than your peers

You want to become a Top Project Manager.
