Top Project Manager

Manage your career from
Average to Awesome!

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This is a great career!

... If ...

  • ... you stay busy
  • ... maximize your value
  • ... negotiate for what you are really worth

The "secret" to success is simple.

You must be...

  • ... really good at your job.

    The Project Managers making the most money are dependable, accountable and professional.

  • ... really good at managing your career.

    Reply to any message or file to create a quick message thread on that subject. Get context when you need it.

  • ... really good at lining up your next project.

    Integrate to any tool that sends automated e-mails. Start a conversation by sending an e-mail to team inbox.

In this course you will ...

  • Learn your real market value.

    What are your skills really worth?  Are you underpaid?  Do you have a great deal?  Did you leave money on the table?

    Find out in Module 1

  • Build an actionable career plan.

    It should come as no surprise that you need a plan.  How much time have you spent really planning your future?  Have you given it the same level of diligence as you current project?

  • Learn how the job market really works.

    The hiring process can be complicated and confusing.  Learn how to build the right relationships and put the odds in your favor.

    Check out Module 3


How well you deliver on the promises that you make and the manner in which you do it will leave a lasting impact on everyone you work with.

The Soft Skills


Your clients need to have the confidence that they have entrusted their most critical project and possibly the success of their own career's in the right person. And you need to have the confidence in yourself that you can solve the problems and challenges that arise.

Conflict Management

How you handle conflict on you team is very important to the success of your project.  How you handle yourself amidst conflict in the organization can impact your career.


How well do you run the room?  Do you inspire your team to strive for success?  Charisma is more than leadership.

Get Started Today!

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© Top Project Manager™ 2013 – EMM & Associates, Inc.